healthy living
Created by Fitbar
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Is Eating Healthy is a choice for you or a life style?

In today’s complex world, many people are looking to eat healthy meals to lose weight, however, changing your current diet for a healthier one not only makes you lose weight, but it also reflects in your spiritual and mental wellbeing. Understanding the importance of fueling your body with fresh and quality meals can go a long way in creating the healthy life style that you always wanted. Based on feedback from our clients eating healthy not only made essential impact on improving their personal life but it went further than that in changing their attitude at work place atmosphere.

This is mainly due to feeding your body with essential vitamins, fibers and antioxidants that your body and you needing to reach your full potential in creating that healthy life style, which unfortunately, cannot be achieved by processed foods “Protein consumption from foods like fish, beef, chicken, turkey, tofu, beans, eggs and unsweetened yogurt has been linked to higher levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, which are brain chemicals that play a role in your mood, motivation and concentration” (Cleveland Clinic, 2021). It’s true that processed food can be time saving and faster to produce but in the long run the negative factors will greatly outweigh the advantages.

Our Vision & Mission

Our goal and mission at Fitbar is to save your time in meal preparation by creating variety of quality meals which are not repeated and to deliver it at your door step. We aim to encourage everyone that eating healthy can not only be affordable but convenient as well.
What do we have to offer you?

At Fitbar we are here to fulfil all your needs in creating healthy, quality and protein rich meal plans that are prepared with care for you. By subscribing to meal plan subscription not only you will be saving time as we prepared the meals and deliver it to your doorstep.

Meal Plan Subscriptions

Lean & Keto Meal Plans

We provide variety of meal plan subscriptions created accurately for specific body types and based on objective of each of our potential consumers. For people who are interested in weight loss we provide Lean Meal plan and Keto Meal Plan. The unique element that differentiates these two meal plans is that Lean Meal Plan relies on lowest amount of fats which eventually if followed it results in weight loss. However, people who are interested to put their bodies into state of Ketosis which refers to “a process that happens when your body doesn’t have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy. Instead, it burns fat and makes things called ketones, which it can use for fuel” (Khatri, 2020) is an alternative way to lose weight.

Clean & Mean Meal Plans 

We do provide Clean and Mean meal plans for people who are interest to either maintain their current weight or alternatively for people who are activity working out and looking to gain muscles in the process can relate to our Mean Meal plan.

Vegan Meal Plan

For people who are interested into detoxifying their body, we do have Vegan Meal Plan as a personal preference. Some of the core benefits of Vegan Meal plan includes “Vegan diets are known to help people lose weight and it may help you maintain a healthy heart. Additionally, it offers some protection against type 2 diabetes and certain cancers” (Petre, 2021).

Start planning your meals today
Transform your lifestyle into
a healthier one with Fitbar

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